School Day Freemium-service has ended.

group of kindergarten kids being friends with arms around sitting and smiling while having fun

School Day Is Now Free For K-12 Teachers!

School Day Freemium-service has ended. However, we are more than happy to provide your school or district the complete Well-being solution! 

Just fill the form on the page, and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

School Day is the best app to measure and manage your students’ well-being and social-emotional skills. Based on your student’s well-being needs you will get tailored intervention strategies, CASEL-aligned lesson plans, and much more. No more looking for resources to match your class needs – we’ll do that for you! 

is how U.S. teachers have rated ​the School Day app this year
of teachers say School Day helps them support their students' well-being
of teachers say they know what to do next based on the School Day data
of teachers say that School Day does not take up too much of their time