Supporting Student Well-being in the City of Vantaa Finland
Vantaa is the fourth largest city and municipality in Finland. With a population of 238,033, the city runs a total of 42 Finnish-speaking, five Swedish-speaking, and one English-speaking primary and junior high schools.
At a Glance
Customer: City of Vantaa
District Size: 5,500 students
Location: Vantaa, Finland
The City of Vantaa acquired School Day to track real-time information on student well-being, from class to municipal level. As students answer their weekly questions, the teachers receive real-time data on what is going on in their class.
At the same time, principals and student welfare groups are teaming up to observe the entire school's situation as well as compare classes. Furthermore, district leaders and school officers are able to monitor the situation of all the schools at one glance. This enables allocation of extra support as well as finding and sharing best practices.
The Solution
School Day was piloted Day with third and seventh graders in the Aurinkokivi, Kytöpuisto, and Koivukylä schools, as well as in Jokiniemi school’s instruction for the disabled. After a successful pilot period the platform was introduced for fourth and seventh graders in all Finnish- and English-speaking schools.
The plan forward is to further improve welfare among students’ and in schools’ together with the municipal educational administration and student welfare services.
Both the municipality and individual teachers have actively shared their ideas to develop School Day platform, which has made it even more user-friendly.
Johanna Honkanen, District manager of City of Vantaa together with School Day CEO Mika Kasanen
“We can support groups and teachers better than before thanks to the constantly collected and up-to-date well-being information.”