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Wellbeing Matters


School Day is a company dedicated to the wellbeing of students. Our social emotional learning (SEL) program is designed to help teachers create an environment in which students can learn. Education is about more than just learning how to read, to write, and do math. Today's students are growing up in an environment where technology is changing so quickly that what they learn today may very well be outdated by the time they graduate from high school. Preparing them to handle these rapid changes is as important as teaching them the academic basics.

The Bond Between Wellbeing and Social Emotional Learning

Wellbeing covers the diverse spheres of wellness and health – physical, mental, and social – that are inexorably intertwined. Affect one and others will likewise be impacted. Boosting a student's wellbeing discernably affects not only their school day but also their daily life in general, from physical exercise and games at recess to solving puzzles in the classroom; from auditioning for a school play to making a contribution in a class presentation; from maintaining a healthy diet to securing a good night's sleep.

Wellbeing Is the Summit; Social Emotional Learning Is the Foundation

When we talk about wellbeing and how our social emotional learning tool helps students improve their wellbeing, we're not just talking about happiness. Wellbeing is about giving students the ability to cope emotionally and mentally with challenges that they are likely to face every day, from strife at home and in the community to the challenge of navigating the future workplace.

Social emotional learning is where it all starts, imbuing children with a sense of wellbeing. SEL is a process of discovery that helps students develop skills that help them reflect on and deal with different emotions, form and nurture balanced relationships, manage tasks, and take responsibility in social situations and decision making.  

Focus on Wellbeing

Because wellbeing encompasses all facets of a child's life, ensuring wellbeing should be the responsibility of everyone in the child's life, including the school. Social emotional learning is one of the most impactful ways to improve wellbeing, and it works best when organically integrated throughout the curriculum.

How School Day Wellbeing Helps Students, Teachers, and Schools

School Day is about student wellbeing. Certainly, we care about grades. But we also believe that no person should compromise their childhood, youth, or adulthood, because of the pressures associated with academic achievement. We want to help every student, teacher, and school leader to understand that wellbeing is more important than perfect grades. Our weekly student survey helps students articulate how they are feeling and gives teachers insight about what their students need to thrive. The real-time data and holistic overview can then be used by school leaders to gain clarity about how their students and teachers are doing. The leader dashboard provides actionable data and trends on class, school, and district levels.  

School Day is the best K-12 solution for measuring and managing student wellbeing and social emotional skills and the best means for district leaders and teachers to proactively model wellbeing in the classroom, thereby improving learning results. School Day asks students weekly questions that focus on learning, social relationships, and health. The data is analyzed, furnishing real-time insight, and highlighting what's going well; resources are provided for the areas that need more attention. Request a quote for your school today!  

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