During the summer we have developed our wellbeing model further, both in content and in functionality. It now has hundreds of wellbeing questions for the students, and it includes altogether five wellbeing categories ranging from physical surroundings to social-emotional skills. Our AI is able to analyze the data effectively to support the schools in their efforts to enhance student wellbeing. We are happy to tell you that School Day is now one of the Top 10 EdTech Startups in Europe. Read more about the award here: EdTech Startups
Our work towards a comprehensive wellbeing solution has included brainstorming sessions with experienced teachers from different school levels and meetings with international wellbeing researchers at Helsinki University. Our cooperation is a win-win situation for all, and we will continue working together also in the future. Thanks to the recent research, we are able to create a top-notch wellbeing solution to help schools around the world, and researchers will get valuable wellbeing data from the phenomena and trends that our solution reveals.
By the way, have you seen the video in which Eddie tells about School Day? If you haven't, I think you should. Eddie knows that wellbeing is directly linked to learning outcomes.
Happy learning & teaching!
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