Reaaliaikaista hyvinvointidataa lukiolaisten tukemiseksi – School Day -sovellusta pilotoidaan helsinkiläislukioissa  


Neljässä Helsingin lukiossa otetaan käyttöön opiskelijoiden hyvinvointia mittaava ja tukeva School Day -sovellus. Pilottilukiot ovat Kallion lukio, Helsingin kuvataidelukio, Ressun lukio ja Helsingin luonnontiedelukio. School Day -mallissa on neljä hyvinvoinnin pääalueetta: oppiminen, sosiaaliset ja emotionaaliset taidot, sosiaaliset suhteet ja hyv...

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Real-time data on student well-being to support students – School Day app piloted in Helsinki upper secondary schools  


Four Helsinki upper secondary schools will adopt the School Day app, developed to measure student well-being. The pilot schools are Kallio Upper Secondary School of Performing Arts, Helsingin kuvataidelukio, Ressu Upper Secondary School, and Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Natural Sciences. The School Day model consists of four main well-being a...

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School Day Launches Assignments Integration with Microsoft Teams


Helsinki, Finland—November 30, 2021—School Day, a leading K-12 education social-emotional learning (SEL) and wellbeing company, today announced the availability of a new capability in Microsoft Teams. Educators can now assign School Day as part of a class assignment in Teams. This enables a more seamless and engaging experience for educators and st...

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How to Measure Student Success Through Social-Emotional Skills


The pressure put on today's children and teenagers is overwhelming. They should be top of the class academically and athletically, engage as active community members, take responsibility at home, school, and sometimes work. Then there is the whole social scene: most of us remember how it felt to try to fit in, make a good impression and try to make...

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It’s World Bullying Prevention Month - Here's How You Can Take Action Against Bullying!


Bullying doesn't really need an introduction. Unfortunately, we all know it, have either witnessed or experienced it. Bullying surfaces in different forms and on different platforms, but it always leaves a trace in the person experiencing it, potentially causing long and severe effects on their life. Although tough themes such as bullying are ...

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Happy National Principals Month! Here's How You Can Show Your Gratitude to Your Principal


Schools are pretty magical places. A melting pot of great minds and inspiration, they bring together knowledge, experience, and innovativeness from students and staff alike. Supporting creativity and imagination while making sure the curriculum is followed land on the shoulders of principals, and that, by no means,&nbs...

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The Path to Recovery Starts from Wellbeing


Although the pandemic is still very much happening, and there are millions of people living under severe restrictions, something has changed. We now look forward to a brighter future, gradually leaving behind the imminent danger of yet again being forced to cut physical contact with our nearest and dearest. You can hear children playing in schoolya...

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School Day Makes Their Platform FREE for Teachers


We made our Teacher Subscription FREE and here's why Looking at the data collected with School Day we can see a clear drop globally - between just prior to the pandemic and the end of the 2021 school year - in how happy students are feeling. A concerning trend in students' social-emotional wellbeing is in their relation to others and to the sense o...

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Visma ostaa School Day Dashboard -palvelun visualisoimaan oppilashallinnon dataa ja vahvistamaan tietojohtamista


Visma Enterprise Oy vahvistaa oppilashallinnon pilvipohjaista osaamista ostamalla School Day Helsinki Oy:n kehittämän Dashboard-palvelun. Palvelu visualisoi oppilaitosten raportit ja tuo ajantasaista ja luotettavaa tietoa johtamisen tueksi. Visma Enterprise on oppilashallinnon sähköisten palvelujen markkinajohtaja, jonka Wilma-oppilashallintojärjes...

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Happy National Substitute Appreciation Week Educators!


There are around 270 000 substitute teachers in the US. The art of being a substitute teacher is a delicate one. Jumping into new classroom situations, building trust and confidence from scratch. Taking over from someone else's curriculum and plans within just a short warning. Continuously adjusting to different dynamics both in the classroom and a...

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Visma Acquires the School Day Dashboard Service for the Visualization of Student Administration Data and Strengthening Knowledge Management


Visma Enterprise Oy strengthens the cloud-based competence of student administration by acquiring the Dashboard service developed by School Day Helsinki Oy. The service visualizes the reports of educational institutions and provides reliable, up-to-date information for supporting management. Visma Enterprise is the market leader in electronic stude...

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Happy Women’s Equality Day Educators! This Is How You Can Improve Equality in Your Classroom


Today, we celebrate the 19th Amendment to the Constitution that granted women the right to vote exactly 101 years ago on August 26th, 1920. Before that, suffragettes had fought for political equality for decades, dating to at least the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. As the battle to vote shows, the road to equality is often long an...

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Finnish Experience Flagship School Launches in Malaysia


UCSI International School (UIS) Kuala Lumpur has signed an MoA with Finnish Education Solutions (FEDS) to be inducted as the first Finnish Experience Flagship School in Malaysia. Read the full press release here. Through this holistic partnership, UIS KL will be introducing four new tech-based learning modules by Finnish education companies Eduten ...

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New SEL Resources and Strategies to Kick-start the School Year!


Ready, Set, Back to School! The new school year is gradually starting, and we are excited to be sharing it with you! That being said, we know you have a busy year ahead, going from remote learning back to the classroom. Students and faculty alike will be faced with various thoughts, feelings, and emotional hurdles, and social-emotional skills will ...

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Iloista pride-kuuta!


Kesäkuussa pysähdymme osoittamaan kiitollisuutemme ja tukemme sateenkaariyhteisölle ja niille yksilöille, jotka jatkavat vuosikymmenien mittaista taistelua oikeudenmukaisuuden puolesta. Jokaisella on oikeus olla ylpeästi oma itsensä muiden ennakkoluuloista välittämättä. Tätä viestiä on vahvistettava myös kouluissa. Jokainen oppilas ansaitsee tuntea...

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Happy Pride Month from School Day!


In June, we stop to thank and support the LHBTIQ+ community and individuals who for decades have strived for justice and continue to do so. Everyone has the right to proudly be themselves, free of anybody else's prejudice. This is a core message at schools, too. Every student deserves to feel that they belong and be appreciated for who th...

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Tulevan syksyn uudistukset School Day -palveluun


Kuulitko jo syksyn uudistuksistamme? Tässä kurkistus päivityksiimme seuraavaa kouluvuotta varten! Luo omat kysymyksesi Syksyllä esittelemme yhden toivotuimmista uudistuksista: mahdollisuuden luoda omia kysymyksiä. Jatkossa opettaja voi luoda täysin omat kysymyksensä tai valita valmiista vaihtoehdoistamme oman luokkansa tilanteeseen sopivimmat kysym...

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We Are Hyped About Our Upcoming Fall Release - Here's What They Are!


Did you hear what you can do with our service this Fall? Here's a sneak peek into what new features we are developing for the coming school year! Create your own questions This Fall we are launching a new feature for teachers called MyQuestions. It will let you compose your own questions and pick questions from a curated question library....

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School Day Named to The GSV Cup Elite 200 - Will Compete for $1 Million in Prizes in World’s Largest Pitch Competition for EdTech Startups 


Helsinki, Finland (May 12, 2021) -- School Day has been selected as a semifinalist among 200 leading pre-seed and seed education technology startups competing to win the GSV Cup, with a prize purse valued at $1 million. Semifinalists are recognized as top innovators in the EdTech sector, disrupting the way people teach and learn worldwide. School D...

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School Day otetaan käyttöön Vantaan peruskouluissa keväällä 2021


School Day on aloittanut oppilaiden hyvinvoinnin kehittämisen Vantaan kaupungin kouluissa yhteistyössä kaupungin kanssa. Kevään 2021 aikana Aurinkokiven, Koivukylän ja Kytöpuiston sekä Jokiniemen koulun vammaisopetuksen kolmannet ja seitsemännet luokat kokeilevat School Day -sovelluksen käyttöä koulutyössään. Ensi syksystä lähtien sovellus otetaan ...

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